In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali describes asana practice as the third of the eight limbs (Sanskrit अष्टांग, ashtanga) of classical or raja yoga.
Asanas have been created at different times, a few being ancient, some being medieval, and a growing number recent.
Here we see the intermediate level pose 'Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana', also called 'revolved downward-facing dog'. It is a variation of the 'downward-facing dog' pose, which is an asana in modern yoga, that is often practised as part of a flowing sequence of poses, especially Surya Namaskar.
• Stretches shoulders, hamstrings, calves, spine and hands.
• Stimulates the abdominal organs & Improves digestion
• Relieves fatigue and energizes the body
• Pacifies Kapha dosha
• Strengthens the arms and legs
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